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Every week you can expect something different, from exclusive behind-the-scenes looks at how I create content to general life lessons. From tips on how to be a badass storyteller to personal handwritten letters (yes, we still do that here😎). The goal is to build a fun, tightly-knit loving community of people! Sometimes we’ll ditch the writing and actually talk it out. Other times there’ll be nothing to say, so I’ll just send woosh woosh wooshas and you’ll be on your way!

Every week I’ll check in on you, without fail. And every week, we will poke at this thing called life together! If this sounds interesting to you, please go ahead and subscribe so that you’ll be notified every Wednesday when something new drops! 😁

If You’re More Of A Visual Person…

I completely understand! I think this right here would be a better fit for you.

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In Between Exploring Places, Telling Stories and Changing Narratives


Creativity comes from omena.